Pictures from the lab
In einer feierlichen Zeremonie erfolgte die Ermaechtigung von Herrn Dr. K. zur Durchfuehrung der 3G-Corona-Kontrollen. Wir gratulieren!
Mr. Kaemmerer makes "scientific" experiments with some luminescent bacteria.
Some Impressions from the Annual Congress of the German Pharmaceutical Society, 2019, at Heidelberg University, with Prof. M. Wink as congress president and Prof. C. Klein as chairman of the scientifc committee.
The large chemistry lecture hall filled with attendants.
Prof. M. Wink.
Prof. zur Hausen, Nobel Prize 2008 gives one of the plenary lectures.
Evening banquet at the Molkenkur.
Pipetting of virus stock under biosafety conditions.
Theory vs. experiment: A plot of exam results vs. experimental competence (represented by accuracy of quantitive titrations) in a practical course of drug analytics. Students with better theoretical exam tend to produce better practical results.
Der Todesstern grosse Aufzuch in INF-364 is kapott.
(Klick auf's Bild öffnet große Ansicht in neuem Fenster)
L.v.O. uses (and apparently likes) our new robotic pipetting system.
Dengue virus serotype 2 (strain 16681) causes visible plaques in Vero cells.
Hochstapelei im Biolabor.
March 2015: PhD Prize for Dr. Nitsche.
Dr. Christoph Nitsche received the PhD Prize of the section Medicinal Chemistry of the German Chemical Society (GDCh). Since 2010, Dr. Nitsche has worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Christian Klein on the development of dengue virus protease inhibitors. He identified inhibitors that reduce the replication of dengue viruses in cell culture.
Synthese von Orangenlimonade. Man beachte den Nebel im Erlenmeyerkolben.
Zitat Dr. Nitsche: "Das ist noch richtige Chemie."
A large molecule:
Chemical biology:
(Pictures drawn by Mrs. K. Klein)
Papa Smurf catalyzes a color change:
Erich Wünsch, Gert Fries, Anton Zwick
Darstellung und peptidsynthetische Verwendung von O-Benzyl-L-tyrosin
Aus dem Max-Planck-Institut fur Eiweiß- und Lederforschung, München
"Aus verd. Essigsäure ließ sich der Benzyläther in prächtigen Kristallen gewinnen."
Chem. Ber. 91, 542–547, 1958
(c) C. Klein
Mr. Joest purified a larger amount of MetAP from E. coli in complex with cobalt ions. The complex has a red-violet color, visible on the size exclusion column and in the protein concentrator.
Neue Malerei im Besprechungsraum.
A new project has started! TRP channel openers, obtained by really very green biotechnology. Picture from August 3rd:
Copyright of the TRP channel project pictures: C. Klein 2013. Christian Joest kindly provided the genetic material necessary for this study.
Mr. Joest has a new favorite reaction: Birch reduction.
The apparatus:
Solvated electrons in a turbulent flow:
Surplus lithium precipitates from NH3:
Ammonia has a very high heat capacity. Therefore, evaporation of this substantial amount of liquid ammonia takes several hours.
Copyright of the Birch reduction pictures: Christian Joest, 2013.
This is what happens when you store open (!) vials with diethyl ether (!) in a fridge that is not protected (!) against explosions.
The event DID NOT occur in the labs of the Klein group, but CK was there to put out the ensuing fire, which took three large fire extinguishers. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.
Copyright of the molten fridge picture: Christian Klein, 2013.
Waidmannsheil for Mrs. Weigel et al.:
Copyright of the mouse picture: Sarah Calcagno, 2013.
Note: This is a wild mouse that was caught, without causing any harm, in the lab. The mouse now lives in the botanical garden, across the street from INF-364. We do not perform animal experiments.
Medieval painting found in the meeting room:
Copyright of the medieval painting picture: Christian Klein, 2013.